get these memorized

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.Friday, December 28, 2007 ' 1:34 AM

im done with my first blog, i guess.

i guess i'll be more comfortable with this blog. Less worries of getting caught and less of getting criticized. well, im not directly criticized but im sure that there are "what the hell is this guy writing?" or "fugly writing style!" thought on top of their heads. Plus the fact that im not that fluent in english. haha.

i created this blog because of those things. but the main reason is, of course, the first one. i'll give you a brief explanation. it is because two of my three girlfriends saw my blog with my name on it. yeah. you read it right. three girlfriends. now, you have the idea on why i am hiding my freakin identity. anyway, the first girl Googled my name out of her paranoia while the other saw the link on my totally-ripped-off blog that i "created" for her. that "totally-ripped-off" blog was my blog and i copy-pasted it to another URL and injected some "I Love (insert her name here)" there. Unfortunately, she was more paranoid than i thought. she checked all the links there and then BOOM! she saw my name, clicked it, and read my REAL blog. my first blog really made my days hard so i am thinking of deleting it. but the memories. awww...

anyway, i managed to get out of those hard days! i guess i really have good convincing powers! im glad that i am in the right path! (speaking of my course :p)

this is great! this is the real freedom of speech! haha! i can say anything about myself and write my (s)experiences without the fear of getting caught! this is really amazing! haha :))

wait! i think i forgot to mention that my first blog was made for my adventures and TRUE lovelife.

got it memorized?

the enigmatic

still studying


clone maker?

leave a blotch

reinventing your exit



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